Il successo degli Art Products Brionvega in Germania
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Con gioia siamo lieti di comunicarvi che gli Art Product Brionvega stanno riscuotendo un notevole successo anche in Germania! Di seguito, vi presentiamo le più significative rassegna stampa da Settembre a Dicembre 2023:
Tra le pubblicazioni più rilevanti, il noto giornale “Tush Magazine” ha dedicato uno spazio di primo piano al nuovo radiofonografo rr226, sottolineando il successo ormai internazionale anche tra le celebrità.
“Dua Lipa turns it on!” “He stands in Barbie’s dream house, Kendall Jenner turns his buttons and Dua Lipa also regularly hits on him: Brionvega’s Radiofonografo, designed in 1965 by the designers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, is of course a good laugh! This is not only due to its look, but also the sound quality. Who wouldn’t open the doors to that! Depending on your type preference, the system is available in different tones and e.g. living room or bedroom: the radiofonografo is also flexible and adaptable. What more could you ask for?”
Allo stesso modo, la rivista “Kaltblut” ha dedicato un articolo al nuovo totem rr231 di Mario Bellini.
“the rr231 totem by Mario Bellini and Brionvega – design to worship” “The totem between “Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey” and the 1972 MoMa exhibit “Italy: The New Domestic Landscape. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of contemporary design, exploring the birth of this avant-garde masterpiece and Mario Bellini’s reflections on consumer technology. In an era where hi-fi equipment and television sets have become commonplace in our homes, Totem stands tall, commanding attention amidst the familiar.”